This Bollywood beauty is on a signing spree, not just on screen, but off screen as well. The news of her being the Brand Ambassador for Airtel comes just days after her being signed as the Brand Ambassador for Toshiba. She has already shot for the commercial with yet another southern heartthrob Madhavan, with Vinil Mathew of FootCandle Productions, calling the shots.
Talking about Vidya Balan, R. Chandrasekhar - Head of Brand And Media, Bharti Airtel, said, “Spontaneity and vibrancy are key attributes of Airtel. Vidya is a hugely talented actress who brings a lot of freshness and naturalness to any role. We are sure that these traits of Vidya will have a positive rub off on the brand as well.”
With Vidya's career soaring up and up in the 'Air', it's really easy to 'Tel' that who is the next top most contender to the Queen Bee slot! What say Miss Balan!
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