Sanjayleela Bhansali’s ‘Saawariya’ did not work well at the box office but the films male lead Ranbir Kapoor won over millions of hearts and the credits of the critics by his mind blowing performance in his debut movie. Post release Ranbir got many offers from bollywood’s cream-de-la directors and producers.
Ranbir Kapoor’s next flick is for bollywood’s one of the biggest and best production house Yash Raj Films. Directed by Siddharth Anand of Salame Ishq and Ta Ra Rum Pum fame ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ stars Ranbir Kapoor along with his real life lady love Deepika Padukone and two others hotties of bollywood - Manisha Lamba and Bipasha Basu.
The movie is about a carefree alpha male and the relationships he has with the 3 women in his life teaching you the best of love lessons that you ll never forget. The movie is expected to release on 15th of August 2008.
Here are some of the pictures from the movie.
Ranbir playing for Manisha
Ranbir Kapoor’s next flick is for bollywood’s one of the biggest and best production house Yash Raj Films. Directed by Siddharth Anand of Salame Ishq and Ta Ra Rum Pum fame ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ stars Ranbir Kapoor along with his real life lady love Deepika Padukone and two others hotties of bollywood - Manisha Lamba and Bipasha Basu.
The movie is about a carefree alpha male and the relationships he has with the 3 women in his life teaching you the best of love lessons that you ll never forget. The movie is expected to release on 15th of August 2008.
Here are some of the pictures from the movie.
Ranbir playing for Manisha
Ranbir romancing his lady love Deepika Padukone
Sexy Bipasha Basu - Ranbir checking her out
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